Sunday, 3 April 2016

OUIL603 Studio Brief 1 - Board

Screen Printed Gig posters

This was an incredibly fun brief to tackle and begin level 6 with. 
Having developed a passion for screen print over the course of my degree, to produce a series of prints at a large scale every two weeks made for an exciting project. I'm pleased with how varied all the prints are in terms of the techniques employed and colours/stock used. Having explored these techniques on large scale prints meant that I was able to really nurture my skills in screen print which has been valuable for the rest of the year when undertaking other screen printed projects (the same for post-graduation). 

As well as developing skills in screen print, the posters were an exercise in typography and graphic design, again with each one trying something new such as the handwritten GRIMES text. I would have liked to have continued this brief throughout the year to see how much better the quality of my printing would've gotten by the end, (especially as I began to experiment with thicker stock like somerset paper and different sizes - 18"x24") but it was difficult balancing this alongside developing the rest of 603.

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