I intend to produce ……
A series of 6 A5 etchings – 4 of which will depict characters which I have found to be vividly described in William Burroughs’ “Naked Lunch”, and 2 of which will be thematic in content (also relevant to “Naked Lunch”). One of these will depict a black centipede in reference to the black meat drug in the book, and the other will depict scarred limbs.
The content will focus on (identify 3 specific themes, texts or concepts)
1. I will have a vein motif running through prints to tie them together and represent heroin addiction
2. The black meat drug which is simply gross by nature
3. The richly described characters in the book and how ugly they are made out to be
I will be aiming to communicate (identify 3 specific messages, ideas, moods etc.)
1. The strangeness of the book’s characters through their expressions and proportions
2. The grotesqueness of drug addiction that Burroughs has painted in the book
3. The haphazard style of the book’s writing
To an audience of ….. (name 3 characteristics)
1. Readers of Naked Lunch/older viewers
2. People that appreciate etchings
3. People that are into expressive character portraits
- To produce a series of 6 A5 etchings based on William Burroughs' "Naked Lunch" - 2 prints depicting thematic concepts, 4 prints depicting character portraits
- These prints will convey the mood of the world that Burroughs has created in the book.
- The book is twisted and grotesque in nature - the way in which the characters are depicted should reflect this. The motif of veins will run throughout the prints in order to tie them together
- The themes of the book are mature so the tone of voice must be suitable for more mature audiences
- Could perhaps be made accessible to more than just those who've read Burroughs' work through an attractive/interested aesthetic.
- 6 x A5 etchings
- Test prints
- Developmental sheets
Interim Deadlines
- Final designs amended by Monday 24th November
- Have at least 3 prints completed by end of the same week.