Monday, 16 May 2016

Astronomical - final boards

Here are the final boards for my Astronomical brief, outlining the material created for the project:

I'm incredibly pleased with how this project has turned out. Even though I didn't get to make my screen printed concertina, or even a screen printed book, I think the quality of my posters is top-notch and the book that I've mocked up looks really slick.

Having the main imagery for the project presented in a boxed design means that it has translated well to the inner book spreads and the vinyl sleeves which I've mocked up. I've been told that some of the poster designs, such as Jupiter would look good on textiles, though I don't feel as though mocking such products up would give me any better understanding of my imagery, especially as I am not a textile designer.

The final imagery was produced as a result of me simplifying both my scientific and visual research more and more. Simplification has been key  for me this module, and has resulted in me making some really interesting images. The lengthy research period was enjoyable as it fed into my practical development very quickly through my planet paintings. Once I understood how I could visualise the planets, I was able to go back to researching and pick out what were the most relevant points to read up about. I feel as though this is an even more organic synthesis than exhibited in my COP module.

Although I can't submit a physical version of my book, at least I have produced all 36 spreads and the binding design. I intend to get it sent off it to get it printed soon though, as I would like to have a copy.

This brief has been a great exercise in my abilities as a screen printer and designer - the designs/quality of the posters and the book is well beyond anything I've produced on this course before, making it a suitable end to the module.

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