Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Cubular planets + Peer review

Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Uranus to join Venus

At the peer review, people seemed to like the fact that my project had evolved quite far beyond what was originally proposed.
I came to the peer review with my cubular planets and suggested that I could actually construct painted cubes to represent the planets out of plexiglass, and could potentially light them up from within. It was brought up however that perhaps not all planets would benefit from being lit up like this, which would then lead to the question of what the point of plexiglass was.
If I were to go through with this, then a sensible thing to do would be construct each planet out of relevant materials, but then this obviously presents problems when constructing the gas giants.

I was made aware of Cycle the Solar System, a cycle route from York to Selby that has a scale model of the solar system and it was suggested that I could begin to think of my project has something a bit more experiential - such as using layers of plexiglass to show the planets of the solar system, alongside some information about them on each sheet (so it still maintains the educational aspect). This can then be considered alongside a concertina book if I still want to make one (which I do).

I need to pay close attention to the context of the my product and why I approach making parts of it the way I do.

In terms of general body of work, I need to begin to think about how I group projects together so that it works as a coherent body of work. This is particularly with my posters and book covers which vary quite radically. I also need to put the same consideration into mixing colours for screen print as I do when working on screen.

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