From this tutorial, I'm adding a new brief to 603 which is based on the book covers I've been doing for PPP:
Having done these, it was advised that I think about product, range and distribution for each of them rather than just doing one and moving onto the next. I had already thought about doing an animated trailer for Lolita at some point, but thought that my time would be better spent working on the rest of my briefs. This body of work will be labelled as OUIL603 Brief 7
Once I complete these (spending two days max per book), I should return to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and evaluate what could be done differently with that brief.
I also am planning on re-visiting War Horse as I'm not very pleased with how the inner illustrations turned out in retrospect. I need to approach the illustrations with more consistency in mind, as well as within my other projects.
If I can dish out two more illustrations for Secret 7" even it's past the deadline, it will make for a nice amount to go on a portfolio spread, and match the format that I could potentially present my gig posters at.
Resolve and present appropriately all the briefs by the end of Easter so that I can spend the last weeks of the course resolving the big kahuna and make something really far out.
Update 6/5/2016: The Bell Jar, Lolita and Naked Lunch are now split into their own briefs - SB7, 8 and 9 respectively.