Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Orion Publishing Competition

This competition brief asks for the entrants to illustrate/adapt a painting that is significant to the themes of the book "The Versions of Us". 
The competition accepts a wide variety of entries, including book covers, but I don't feel confident enough illustrating a cover for a book I only have a paragraph of text for. I'm also already doing the Clockwork Orange cover, so want to mix up what I make a bit.

The painting is described to have quite a strange composition in the book and I'm not too sure how feasible it actually is so I've had to take some creative liberties with the gaze of the man which is supposed to be on both the woman and the viewer.

I re-read some Loomis and tried pretty hard to get the perspective right in order to make a believable scene. I think it's worked out pretty well. The painting described in the book is actually a triptych so I think I'll try and work on the other two panels soon.

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