Tuesday, 26 January 2016

A music-related brief


I read this article before tackling the artwork since the composer of Sleep talks about the piece and his ideas behind it.


I thumb nailed some ideas which I felt represented the song - I liked the idea of the song carrying you into slumber so tried to go for a very relaxed composition of the floating man, keeping in mind Loomis' theories of line in composition: 

I ended up with a really weird gouache painting which I like aesthetically but I don't feel like it fits the calmness of the song that well. 

I went to another composition because of the what the composer said in the article above: 
-'At heart its about engaging with fewer objects in a more extended and deliberate way'.
-'That's what I've sought to do with Sleep: make a single object that can function like a landscape for the listener to inhabit while sleeping'.

I liked this idea of a more minimal composition that incorporates his idea of the song being a landscape:

The concept of the song taking you to slumber still holds true in a much more effective and successful way. I also think the image is much more 'me'

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