Sunday, 5 April 2015


Although I haven't finished "The Judgement", "Contemplation" actually comes first in the collection of short stories so I made a late start on it.

Since "Contemplation" is actually a collection of even shorter stories, I decided that I would pick one story to illustrate to represent the whole collection. Two stories that stuck out to me were "Children the Road" and "Plight of the Bachelor".

I started thumbnailing Plight of the Bachelor based on the final quote of the story: "And so it will be, save that it will be onself ... with a veritable head, and therefore a brow to smite with the flat of one's hand".
Then I read Children on the Road again which is a lot more rich in terms of  imagery of kids and their sense of adventure. I feel like it has the potential to stand out compared to the other illustrations if I tackle it instead.

Since I haven't heard back from Bill Bragg, I'm just deciding to design the illustrations at the same dimensions as my copy of the book, plus a 1.5cm border that could also act as a bleed. 
Additionally, having looked at Folio Society books, there appears to be no restrictions on the amount of colours permitted, which is handy. I've used another modified colour palette that I picked from the collection I posted earlier:
I need to re-draw the foreground boy using reference as he is proving troublesome to draw

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