- A humanist, pacifist and satirist
- Huxley and his worked was concerned about the potential subjugation of humans through the use of mass media and mood-altering drugs, or the impact of misapplication or misunderstanding of increasingly sophisticated technology. Used a lot of psychedelic drugs himself.
- "Brave New World" was written as a response to the Utopian visions of H G Wells' works. The satirist in Huxley first began work on "Brave New World" as a parody of these works. It was also a first hand look at the industrialization and mass-production of the early 20th century that inspired him. There was almost a "fear" of new technology and potentiality of losing our identities in his work.
- Became interested in spiritual subjects such as parapsychology, philosophical mysticism and universalism:
-Mysticism: A claim to some non-sensory, non-rational, non-definable, non-identifiable means of knowledge, such as "instinct", "intuition", "revelation", or even "just knowing"
-Parapsychology: Investigation of paranormal and psychic phenomena - study of telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation, apparitional experiences. It is considered a pseudoscience and criticized for having never provided evidence for the existence of psychic phenomena after 100+ years of research.
-Univeralism: Religious, theological and philosophical concepts with universal application or ability - used to identify particular doctrines considering all people in their formation
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