Saturday, 5 October 2013

Summer 10 extended final otucome

This is the final A2 poster I produced for the extended Summer 10 brief, featuring 10 animals with strange/unconventional prosthetics. Overall, I am quite pleased with the result, but there are several things which I was not able to achieve:

1. I was not able to add colour to the poster. I intended to make a poster with the same sort of encyclopedic look as a nature book. When pinned to the wall, it also did not stand out as much as some of the other coloured posters did.

2. I was not able to add type due to time constraints and the difficulty with making it look neat and tidy. I came up with scientific names for each of the animals based on their genus/family and the object they were fused with and wanted to place them near the animal to add to the encyclopedic look. These names were:
Haliaeetus Kitus (Eagle)
Felis Rocketus (Cat)
Scissoris Ciconiidae (Stork)
Instrumentas Rhinocerotoidea (Rhino)
Solaris Elapidae (Cobra)
Canis Bicyclus (Dog)
Vacuumus Elephantidae (Elephant)
Spring-loaded Macropus (Kangaroo)
M-"axe"-imus Delphinidae (Dolphin)
Chelonioidea Cavalcader (Turtle)

Scanned Version:

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